Felon Username: khrones skymaster200 msu_spartans321Complaint: khrones: trolling/staff disrespect skymaster200: trolling, vulgar language, inappropriate discussions, use of voice changer in teamspeak msu_spartans321: vulgar language, use of voice changer in teamspeakEvidence: Additional Information: It's taken serveral hours for me to make this complaint. I felt as if the actions by especially skymaster200 were very inapprorpaiate and uncalled for.
I did not have a voice changer, I was physically making my voice different. I am sorry if it offended you.
I can see that now, you had to keep clearing your throat. Its not that it offended me but it is against the rules.
The imgur link is not working correctly. I will fix it when I get on pc again. Please do not handle until then. here
ROFL! Where is the trolling? timestamp of me please? And the pic of my saying "sonnycgay" yeah sonny already warned me for that... you should be staff haha also that not a voice changer thats prim...
Honestly, this complaint is Ludacris. Everyone in the channel was just having a good time. Not once did oxwood say he had a problem with what we were saying or asked us to stop. Nobody else had a problem with it. As they teach you in pre-school ox, use your words don't just go tattle to the teacher when someone annoys you or you become offended.
I asked would you think I can say that's anal in chat ingame, since you were exstaff. You said no so I didn't say it ingame, you never once told me to stop saying it you said I would probably warn for it.
No more posts on this complaint until a staff member deals with it. Any further posts will receive a warning.
Users @MSU_SPaRtAns321 and @skymaster200 dealt with already for teamspeak via teamspeak by both I and Smorezs. User @khrones warned in game.