Felon Username: jon_wootComplaint: I posted in /ch tr a request to purchase a pumpkin axe. jon_woot replied and we met in the /spawn region, walked out a bit and he asked me to pay. Once I paid he handed me a regular diamond axe.Evidence: http://ilngypt.imgur.com/all/Additional Information: This makes me angry. Perhaps you only trade with those you can trust?
Hi ilngypt, Thank you for re-submitting this in the correct format. Your screenshots however, are still private so unfortunately I can't view them. Could you please change your settings on imgur to make your pictures publicly available.
ilngypt - Would you happen to have any screenshots of an agreement between yourself and jon_woot and you making the payment?
Unfortunately the screenshots you have provided don't provide sufficient evidence of the agreement/trade made between yourself and jon_woot, so I will be dismissing this complaint. Should you find more evidence, please feel free to submit a new complaint. Complaint dismissed - insufficient evidence