Felon Username: itzxtremegamingComplaint: harassing people when no staff were onlineEvidence: Additional Information: noob_aroo was not to happy
Hi, sorry you had to file this complaint, but I'd appreciate a log dive if im going to get warned for this, I noob_a_roo and I are very good friends, but he Slandered me in global saying that o removed him from the party without any reason, so I said don't make up fake accusations idiot which I understand was out of line, and I apologize for that. Nicit please check if u can
Okay, now everyone has said there piece, there is to be no more posting here. Please be patient whilst @Nicit6 handles this
I'll basically confirm what itz said - doesn't really look like any more was said that was worse. However of course that does not make it ok. @iTzXtremeGaming you know what terms you you were allowed back on, and I highly suggest you stick to them. This is your warning.