Felon Username: itzxtremegamingComplaint: Yet again HarassingEvidence: Additional Information: Although this is censored it was still directed towards me, it still made me feel unwanted in this community.
You clearly knew i was joking, from your reaction, also, i knew you'd report me, sadly i didn't get a screenshot of you baiting me to say this, as it was a joke but also i replied with a just kidding remark to make sure you didn't take it to heart, but clearly you're more obsessed with getting me in-trouble for a joke. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I respect your opinion.
You're a terrible person and are aweful at SG. Why do you even have to play on the server, no one likes you?! jk ^ Doesn't make it right.
If you really want to keep playing your games you have been baiting me the past 2 weeks ever since the sg event started. And i have been saying "rib to everyone today that in no means is baiting compared to how you constantly bring up the fact i Lõttø scammed you over 11 months ago into chat. And we both know why that happened, however i will not bring it up here to make you look bad because im tierd of this and this ends now.
I'm going to dismiss this complaint because, from what evidence I can gather from the screenshots, @matrix_rep you actively encouraged @iTzXtremeGaming to continue with this. Frankly I'm quite disappointed with the both of you. As some of the older members of the server you two should know better than to resort to flame baiting, especially on a complaint. Please remember to file complaints seriously. Please use /ignore if this continues. We have this command specifically for situations such as this. @partyman909 I have deleted your comment because it was totally unnecessary and rude. Locked - Dismissed