Felon Username: itzxtremegamingComplaint: He has been flaming me all dayEvidence: Additional Information: He has been flaming me all day, and i try to help him out once telling him that if he keeps up his actions he may get dqu'ed he obviously just wants me out of the competition when all i have been trying to do is help him. Mods can even check the logs the other day i apologized to him about the entire situation with him and a18. I really just wanted to enjoy this competition and this user and a couple others have been preventing this from happening. He has also been harrasing other users, and i didnt want to make this complaint but many other urged me too.
I admit I have been out of line recently, I have been having a tough time handling stress irl and brought it down on other players ingame, which i realise is completely unacceptable behaviour. But what doesn't help is constantly day in day out you constantly harassing me along with a few others who think it's funny to take the mick out of me. I understand I should just /ignore but I feel that they should just mature up instead of always flaming me, again I apologize for reacting which caused to my little outbursts ingame.
Since I apologized to you about 2 days ago have I ever harras es you since? In fact didn't I try to help you? Since that apology all I have been getting is hate
I don't want to start a flame thread, but yes there have been a few comments towards me here and there, but not nearly as much as before, im not gonna reply back again here so we don't get in trouble but as I said before, I apologize and no one will see behaviour like this from me again.
OK, we probably have enough posts, since there have been eight in the first hour. ANY posts after this one that are not at my request will be deleted and warned.
OK, I'm going to need a little help here. @matrix_rep, what if any of the comments in these screenshots violates the rules, in your opinion, and what rules does it violate? @matrix_rep @iTzXtremeGaming No response needed from @iTzXtremeGaming yet. Please don't post.
The rule it violates is the rule phys stated for this competition, itz is being very Un-sportsman like, and his actions are making it very unenjoyable for many users. Constantly saying things like 5v1 sûcks if you look at each screenshot, you will see how rude he is being
In the first screenshot he says omfg.... Specific cheap sg players.... Then says my name, that to me is unsportsmanlike and im sure many others aggree
You know, I think I state a universal truth when I say that SG brings out the worst in players. That being said, a certain amount of trash talk is a part of the game. Further, while teaming is a legitimate strategy, trash talk about teaming is a legitimate gripe. There isn't a single comment in here that by itself rises to the level of vulgarity or harassment, and you want me to enforce, on this evidence, this vague rule against unsportsmanlike conduct. Which, in this context, provides no guidance. And you want me to do all this while engaging in teaming, which while perfectly legal, is by definition unsportsmanlike whenever you are fighting anyone but another team of equal numbers. I don't think it would be terribly wise for anyone in this tournament to start asking staff to enforce the sportsmanlike conduct rule in anything but really obvious situations. Maybe there were other comments made by @iTzXtremeGaming that were obviously unsportsmanlike. If so, you haven't provided them. In borderline cases like this one, "sportsmanlike conduct" is a judgment call. That makes this a tie. Ties go the defendant. Complaint dismissed.