[User Complaint] Iticip

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by Diamond396, Oct 1, 2014.

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  1. Diamond396

    Diamond396 Shiny EcoMaster
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Iticip, a player who was unbanned today, started harassing me in chat earlier. What had happened is that I had bought and claimed one of his town, and therefore decided to evict some people. He said that I had been a bit mean to some of his friends. We started talking in pm, and he was really starting to slander me. I did /ignore, and went to @chanimeryl to explain the situation and to ask if this was a valid reason for a complaint.
    Additional Information:
    Iticip was banned for being a bit rude to andrewkm, in other words for saying what he was thinking. It's sort of the same situation here. I definitely felt Iticip did not know enough about the things he was accusing me of. Also, this town and the evictions I made have caused me nothing but trouble and slandering on the part of other users.
    #1 Diamond396, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  2. EraNow

    EraNow Tycoon
    Tycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 21, 2014
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    I literally never talk like this to people, but this is an acceptation. Let me break it down into how, and why, you bought this town. Clearly, you want to hide that from the public.

    Anywho, so yeah, I was perma'd and told xpurexcorex he could sell the town to pay off my debt, which he did. You paid like 1.4m for the town, hoping to profit off of it.

    Here's where it affects me. You then proceed to LWC my chests, and it gets denied because you blatantly say "I want to take Iticip's things from the chests". Yeah, doesn't sound nice does it? I really didn't care to be honest, I'm really just here to do things like this that I normally wouldn't do, and catch up with friends. But what you have done beyond this is what's truly concerning here.

    You then go on to tell everyone who bought their houses to leave. Yeah, that's in the rules, I guess. In this complaint, however, you essentially say "it was hard for me to evict the people". Do you understand how hard it was for those people to get the money to buy those houses? Not only do you force them to leave, but then you completely ignore the fact they actually had to work for that money. I understand you bought the town, but if you want to profit off of my hard work, dedication, and that of my close friends, you've got another thing coming.

    Anywho, with regards to the way I handled myself in-game, it probably was a little harsh. It's a shame that the whole conversation wasn't in the screen shots, it seems he only wants to get after me for saying the "d" word.

    EDIT: Also, this isn't defending me in any way at all, but I'd just like to add since this complaint is literally for the mockery of my public figure. Where you say "I should have just kicked everyone out" you're making an attempt to say "I did the right thing and gave people the option to stay in their homes. Yeah, that's not true. You basically said to Chundi, "I know you paid 70k for your house, but I'll let you stay here for 30k." then soon after "You're not using the house, leave with no refund". So I guess when you said "being nice is what got me here", I guess your 'niceness' levels are low, and you're truly a cruel and greedy person.
    #2 EraNow, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
  3. pat2100

    pat2100 Builder
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    Oct 18, 2012
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    @Diamond396 thanks for the complaint. @Iticip please do not speak harshly to another player. @Diamond396 it is always a good idea to do ignore if you feel troubled by another player. Play nice; be a good sport and a friendly community member.
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