Felon Username: @icondigiComplaint: User has scammed me $25,000Evidence: Additional Information: N/A
Hey @Monkeyz505, Firstly I would like to apologise to you for not paying you back your money on time. I have made multiple mistakes on ECC and this was one I am very much disappointed about & I blame myself completely for it. I should've made organised other arrangements to find ways to pay you back your money on time. I managed to send you a mail 3 or 4 days prior to the loan being due, stating that I had the money and that I was ready to pay you back. However, due to personal reasons, I was unable to gain full acess to ECC, and was unable to set up things such as trade-signs for you to collect your money from. I managed to receive your mail, late yesterday; Spoiler: Received Mail However, by the time I logged on, you were not on, and I was late in receiving the mail, and that I apologise for. I should've replied to your mail yesterday, yet it had slipped my mind, and I had not been able to log back on later when the thought had entered my head once again, which is still no excuse for me not making the effort to send you a forum PM, or try contact you through other ways. Furthermore, I have managed to catch you online this afternoon, yet it appears you were AFK, however I managed to pay you back, despite your ingame status. Spoiler: Spoiler I would like to apologise once again, this was never my intention, yet my poor actions led to such trouble circumstances that this complaint had to be filled. I completely understand if staff wish to lock my staff application, as this is nobody but my poor actions to blame, and within these actions I am greatly disappointed in myself. Thankyou, and sorry once again. -icondigi
As the payments have been made, I will be locking this. If you have any questions or points to make feel free to message me. Locked - resolved.