Felon Username: GamingFoxYT Complaint: Hackings. (Kill Aura/Clickbot) Evidence: Here Additional Information: I apologize for using dropbox, YouTube is still being weird for me... 60fps
Thank you for reporting I will be tagging the appropriate staff. @jakeyray18 @oreo1227 @Physicistsmom @ClarinetPhoenix @Smorezs @Dewsy92
Please refrain from posting anything in this topic if it doesn't give any extra evidence, Please can nobody but the accused and Staff post in this thread,
Edit* I didn't see it was already flagged... Feel free to delete this comment Edit#2: @PoorPleb thanks for my 300th rating .... @oreo1227
We have concluded this does not demonstrate any use of a hacked client. Should you still feel that this may be please collect more evidence and file a complaint.