Accused Username: @cyril_figgisComplaint: User was purchasing a giftcard in exchange for ECD I prepaid the ECD because he said i would get the giftcard on 1/22/21 I went to message him today about it and was blocked on discordEvidence: Information: D: just sad {Edit} Was on his friends list in discord so had to be removed
Thanks for filing this complaint @LordHassel, sorry you had to. I will be giving @cyril_figgis 24 hours to respond to this thread with any proof of the GiftCard being provided or evidence to support their side of the story.
Since over 24 hours have passed and @cyril_figgis has failed to respond, I issue a ban for them. @cyril_figgis may appeal their ban if they wish to renegotiate their deal with @LordHassel Thread Locked/Moved