Due to the nature of this complaint, I shall be tagging @Unknownrider to review this. Please be patient while we await him.
http://prntscr.com/3zewht http://prntscr.com/3zewql http://prntscr.com/3zex2j http://prntscr.com/3zexch http://prntscr.com/3zey88 @Unknownrider
@lolelf123, Unknownrider can evaluate the video himself. Please do not post any messages in complaints unless you have serious evidence to provide or are related in some way. @bobbysix6 @MaxToMinimum - The same thing applies to you aswell.
Well, looking at the video there doesn't really look to be any hacking involved. Had the user been hacking, I'm positive you would have died much quicker than expected. Not much more I can add other than of course there were a few odd angles, which I've explained in the past are not always relevant. However, this user in specific is not showing any qualities of hacking to me in this video. Complaint dismissed. Locked