Felon Username: @blaze12342 Complaint: Hacking in SG Evidence: Additional Information: He turns around and hits me when I was invisible. Explains itself. I will be providing more evidence soon.
Due to the nature of the complaint, I will be tagging @Physicistsmom. Please be patient while she reviews the evidence.
Just one post: @Physicistsmom , this is also the player I was trying to show you before he logged offline a few nights ago.
Sorry if this is irrelevant: You can see blaze mini-hopping as he attacks monkeybutt and you can see critical particals when blaze attacks.
hey, so, um, to start, I was unaware until about a half hour ago when MonkeyB told me, that the server could even be hacked. In fact, I had many people including Matrix_rep and RailefBear who told me that the server was hackproof. I understand, every time I get good at anything on any server, people call hacks. I'm not angry about that though, I have done the same, just not to this extent. I would like to put my full trust in that the mods will work out whatever they think is best. I am sorry for the inconvenience that this caused all of you. blaze12342
No further unnecessary comments on this. Anyone after this post will receive a forum warning. Thank you
Thank you for reporting this. After reviewing this video I have come to the conclusion that this user is using a hacked client in sg. Locked/User Banned