Felon Username: BlameYourGPUComplaint: Building outside of his plot in every plot he ownedEvidence: Well I don't have any screenshots or videos but I have a witness RaginDevonian I will have him reply to this.Additional Information: I am Co-mayor in the town. Ragin is also a co-mayor. appleprocucling is the owner.
Hello, and thank you for using the complaint section of the forum. I will be reviewing your complaint shortly.
@TheBuckeye11 - Unfortunately this is not a matter that can be addressed in a complaint. How the town is managed is up to the owners/co-mayors/managers. If a resident builds outside his/her plot, it could technically count as a grief, and you could file a grief report for the matter. If you choose not to go to that length, you can issue a 3-day eviction notice where the resident should gather and move their belongings (this includes any blocks for any structure they built). After the notice period, you can remove them from the town perms. It is a good idea to follow the guidelines of this article on the wiki for properly issuing eviction notices - as they can also be used to file lwc removal requests later if needed. Also please note that user testimony is not really enough to use in any type of complaint. We have guidelines for what constitutes as acceptable evidence. It may be a good idea to read up on this article. If someone is actively griefing in your town, you can call a moderator over to mediate the situation. Locked - Complaint Dismissed