Felon Username: AkennyComplaint: I was in my house type of thing in mining were i sleep and kept my tools i had a sign that said please don steal or break the akenny comes in and steals all my items i ask him to stop jhe doesnt ,and then says in the comments that im a hacker which im not then when a another person said to stop he went on tho say thanks for all the stuff trintrin, cu*tEvidence: I dont have any exept for my broken hose in miningAdditional Information: He was very rude and used bad language
I wouldn't say you "hack", even though you said you don't it might confuse people, for the house, nothing can be done, I can give ya a free protected home in my town if you want, but your items can not be returned, and he the language, the mods would need screen shots, if you have them, upload them to imgur.con
Thank you for reporting this, @trintrin3002, but unfortunately there is nothing able to be done, as greif in the wild is allowed, and stealing from unlocked chests is also. for the language, next time please take screenshots (double press f2) and upload them to www.imgur.com. I would advise moving into a town as @minecraftninja05 stated. Locked, no action taken.