Felon Username: _thebluebunny_Complaint: I saw in /ch trade _thebluebunny_ was selling a feature and she said she would sell me a Portal Trail for 50k. She wanted all money upfront , so i paid her the 50k.Evidence: Additional Information: After i paid her i saw her go to station24 and buy a ton of nstars and then log off
@GAMERMEL2002, before we can proceed do you have any evidence of you and @_thebluebunny_ agreeing to any of this, prehaps some screenshots, a forum conversation?
Stop buying from builders.... Common sense. Sorry you got scammed but really... This is the 5th time a builder scammed within the last 4-5 days
I still cannot see amny evidence of the user agreeing to buy youthe feature. Do you have any evidence of this?
Unfortunatly for you it is. Without evidence of any agreement taking place about the sale, there is nothing I can do. I have to dismiss this due to the lack of evidence. If you find more evidence, do file another complaint. Complaint Dismissed due to lack of evidence Locked