[User Complaint] 3point14mp

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by matrix_rep, Feb 11, 2016.

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  1. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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    #1 matrix_rep, Feb 11, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
  2. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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  3. KingNdm

    KingNdm ECC Sponsor
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    Jan 18, 2013
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    Hello @matrix_rep,
    Thank you for filing this complaint.

    @3point14mp can you explain why this hasn't been paid off? or better yet, provide evidence that is has been?
    I will be giving you 24 hours to do so.

    @3point14mp given 24 hours to reply
  4. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ XI ⭐⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Also i am not giving another week extension for the money he has
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  5. 3point

    3point Assαssιη Ex-EcoLegend
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    Sep 3, 2012
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    I wouldn't mind paying this, except for the fact that the payment encompassed more than solely the building of the machines. The agreed breakdown of the 120k was 50k for the idea and 25k per machine made. He then agreed to pay an extra 20k if I bought the materials for the project for a total of 120k.

    Not only this, but after the complaint was settled, they began building an exact replica of my build (at /tppos 14036 53 13868 in world: legacy, town: sigma): the day we did the transaction, I showed him the single original machine on the server located in my legacy town 'kelyria', at /tppos 3278 53 -5596, and hence he had access to the inside of my design. He is plagiarising my build block for block when I showed it to him purely because he had agreed to 50k for the IDEA. So 50k was already earned profit for spending 20 hours creating the idea and blueprints, 20k was was already DIRECTLY spent gathering the materials for the build, and only 2*25k=50k was actually unearned revenue for the building aspect.

    My original build, in my town:

    What @matrix_rep built in his town:

    Matrix_rep, you plagiarised an idea I spent 20 consecutive hours in creative singleplayer designing. While I may not have finished building the actual machines for you, you did agree to pay for the very design that you are now building yourself under that wooden plank bridge you are using to hide from my sight. So, I should be returning you the 50k since I didn't finish the building aspect of the agreement. However, I can give you the materials I bought with your 20k, since I already spent the 20k of the agreement for materials.

    Furthermore, for impartiality purposes, please let a staff member unaffiliated with any member of "TeamRheas" deal with the remainder of this complaint. Thank you
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    #5 3point, Feb 12, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  6. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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    I appreciate you appealing to your "innocence" and now I realize what a terrible tragedy you had unraveled right before your eyes. Lol jk. Let me remind the public why I filed this complaint originally. About 1 month ago (too long has passed for me to remember the date) young 3point came to me saying he wants to show me his self automatic casino hosting machine. I liked the idea and decided to ask him to build me 1 or even 2. So we decided on a 5 day period for the builds to be completed, and this is where things started going down hill. 5 days passed nothing was touched no building at all. So I decide not to file anything as I thought (foolishly) that maybe he was trying to perfect the design. Another couple days pass and still nothing all of which I am constantly asking him when will he start building, to get a response of soon bud don't worry. It had gotten to the point of the build being 2 weeks over due and I got the feeling about what was happening and figured well he is just another one of those users that you have to file a complaint to make them do shit. Well I was right because as soon as I filed the complaint he started furiously building a machine after I told him it's over you are out of time.

    I then realized something else. The machine he was building for me had one EXTREME flaw which could only be accessed by the user who build the machine. Hm another warning sign of this "innocent" player.

    It was this moment I knew again what was going to occur once this "chigga machine" got popular, which is why I filed the complaint originally.

    Dearest 3point, just pay the money you owe.
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  7. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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    edit you already had enough time to pay the money time is up. Not accepting money anymore.
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    #7 matrix_rep, Feb 12, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  8. KingNdm

    KingNdm ECC Sponsor
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    Jan 18, 2013
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    Thank you, this has been taken into consideration, I will be handling this complaint.

    You say "the agreed breakdown", but no where in this complaint, or the other complaint was this part of the agreement provided. There hasn't been a screenshot of this "breakdown" you have made anywhere. It states you were being paid 120,000 ecd flat, no break down, or division of how the money was / is being split. No where in screenshots does it say he then agreed to pay an extra 20k either. Although even if those screenshots were presented, we simply have never and wont punish a player on copying an idea. As you told me in private message, nothing in the screenshots provided can prove what a "chigga machine" is. As you have already told me we can't enforce this "chigga machine" either, as staff don't know what that is, as it was not showed / stated in the original agreement. We have never made agreements on ecc or even validated agreements on an "idea", and we wont be doing that for many reasons. With the screenshots provided, hypothetically it's possible that you are copying what matrix has built with the proof provided, just showing we can't do anything off of what you have provided. We have no way to prove that, that is indeed your idea, or original build, or even the agreed upon "chigga machine" as what it exactly was, was not stated in the original agreement.

    You didn't clarify in the original agreement that this is the "chigga machine", staff have never seen one, how are we supposed to know that this is the agreed upon "chigga machine" in the agreement. As you never built one in matrix's town, during the time it was agreed upon, so then again you have admitted to not complying to your obligations of the agreement within the time given, plus the extra time generously give by matrix.

    We can't prevent people from copying ideas or builds. We can't know for sure that this is your idea, or that it's your build. There is no such thing as copyrighintg a build on ECC. You admitted to tping matrix to your build, therefore he was able to see it, and he can build as he likes. We can't simply punish players for taking an idea of a build, or copying another build. We can't account for your 'single player hours' either. You also say he agreed to pay you for the very design of yours, again, there is absolutely no evidence of this, and still, this was not even built.

    You also admit, that he was building this under a bridge, that he is trying to hide it from you as well, in a secluded area, meaning locked and attempted to be hidden. Although you have found a way into this place, with the use of /j, which is the abuse of your teleport feature. Also, matrix has already kicked you out of the town, although you decided not to listen, and go back. I will be warning you for this, don't let it happen again, as this is against our rules.

    Like I said before, you have admitted to not building the "chigga machine" in his town at all, so how can we clarify, that this is the "chigga machine".

    You were almost given 3 weeks to build the "chigga machine", it was not built, better yet, nothing was built. Then you were asked to return the money within a week, and that has not been done either. I will be giving you 24 hours to pay matrix back the original 120,00 ecd you owe, for not completing your obligation of the agreement.

    The payment will be the same as the original complaint through a trade sign, located behind /warp debt.

    Tppos is
    World: rising
    x: -2843
    y: 64
    z: -13917

    Left open until resolved, 24 hours given

    @3point14mp warned for abuse of /j to get in an area that is secluded and locked, and going to a town he is kicked out of.

    @3point14mp given 24 hours to pay @matrix_rep 120,000 ecd, through a trade sign

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  9. 3point

    3point Assαssιη Ex-EcoLegend
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    Sep 3, 2012
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    I mean...
    [16:47:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: soo
    [16:47:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: i was thinking this.
    [16:48:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: 50k for the idea.
    [16:48:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: 25k per machine u make
    [16:48:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: so to make 2 machines would be 100k
    [16:48:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [$$$EcoLegend$$$][Assassin][*VIP*] **3point: the machine takes forever to make lol
    [16:48:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [$$$EcoLegend$$$][Assassin][*VIP*] **3point: okay

    [16:48:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [$$$EcoLegend$$$][Assassin][*VIP*] **3point: well
    [16:48:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: i mean
    [16:48:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [$$$EcoLegend$$$][Assassin][*VIP*] **3point: hold on
    [16:48:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [L] [Resident][*VIP*] Matrix_rep: k

    I then proceeded to TP Matrix to the sole copy of the build on the server at the time, which was located in my legacy town kelyria. He then agreed to pay an extra 20k if I bought the materials for the project for a total of 120k.

    This was said as a part of the agreement.. I would never have agreed to the build the machine otherwise.

    I didn't use /j..? Don't warn me for something that you don't have evidence that I did.
    He never explicitly kicked me out of his town, he just removed my permissions...
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    #9 3point, Feb 12, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  10. KingNdm

    KingNdm ECC Sponsor
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    Jan 18, 2013
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    Do you have screenshots of this? I can't accept this type of evidence. Although even if you have screenshots of this, as I have said above, we can't enforce it.
  11. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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    Can we keep this complaint open so I can post if it was paid or not. I don't want to file a third complaint and give him more time to just put off the money he owes me which he has had in his bal....,
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  12. 3point

    3point Assαssιη Ex-EcoLegend
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    Sep 3, 2012
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    Are you telling me you, as a staff member, don't know what this is when you yourself literally pm'd me weeks ago asking what it was, and I told you all about the "chigga machine"? We had a whole conversation about the machine, and you told me how interesting you found it, and I even showed you the actual build... Also the one in my town is already completely finished and functional, so clearly it was built before the one in Matrix's town.

    And are you saying that by me explaining the situation, which included a description of what a "chigga machine" is supposed to be, you are taking it as me admitting to not building it, but then at the same time saying it is impossible to prove what I actually am supposed to build because you can't take my word for it? How can you accept that as evidence for admitting, when you can't accept this as evidence of what the machine actually is?

    I have already fulfilled a part of my obligations the moment the agreement was made. Matrix knows full well he said this, and I have provided the time stamp to the second when he said it. He still said "50k for the idea" so no matter whose idea it is, he still is paying for an idea. So to refund him the entire amount is basically him ending up scamming me when he said "50k for the idea" if he knew that this was going to be unenforceable.
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  13. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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    You would not be in this mess if you actually kept your end of the bargain.
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  14. KingNdm

    KingNdm ECC Sponsor
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    Jan 18, 2013
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    What I fully understand, is that, you were to build this "chigga machine" the one that you were telling me about, in the time frame matrix has given you. This was not completed. Also, this will be my third time saying this, but again, you do not have proper evidence of this "agreement" with matrix about the idea being 50k, but even if that was provided, we simply can't enforce an idea being copyrighted.

    I'm not going to argue this anymore, you are to return the original 120,000 ecd as stated, in the time I have given you above.

    Enough is enough.
  15. matrix_rep

    matrix_rep Runner Up in BB20
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    Feb 5, 2014
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    user has paid me 50/120k
    #15 matrix_rep, Feb 12, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  16. 3point

    3point Assαssιη Ex-EcoLegend
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    Sep 3, 2012
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    If you're going to void the agreement, I would like all my materials back in his town. Also, in order to neutralize the agreement and reverse things to the way they were before the agreement, he will have to take down what was built in his town, because that being there does not reverse things to the way they were before the agreement.
  17. KingNdm

    KingNdm ECC Sponsor
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    Jan 18, 2013
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    You can't request these things. You still also have to pay the rest of the 120,000 ecd, within the time frame given above.
  18. 3point

    3point Assαssιη Ex-EcoLegend
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    Sep 3, 2012
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    You said the agreement was going to be voided and a neutral stance was to be taken. Upon asking another staff member about the situation, they said things were reversing to the way they were before the agreement. That was made as a result of the agreement, and hence it has to be reversed as well.
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  19. idkhowtoplay

    idkhowtoplay Custom Forum Title
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    Apr 26, 2014
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    After discussing this with staff, it's been decided that @3point14mp will have to pay the full 120k within the allotted time given previously.
  20. Chundi_Jr

    Chundi_Jr Ex-Rebecca
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    Apr 4, 2014
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    Why don't you look in server logs..? That would make this situation a lot easier lol. Also, it literally makes no sense that you wouldn't be able to accept a screenshot of that as evidence. It is a blatant breakdown of the payment... o_O #wtf
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