I ask this specifically in regards to item frames, especially in spawn shops: Do we still have the butcher command active in the main world? Are item frames subject to the butcher command in the main world? Are our item frames in our spawn shops safe? How does one lock an item frame in a town?
As far as I know, item frames do not get butchered in the main world anymore, they used to, but I have seen multiple examples in which they have not for an extended period of time.
Keep in mind this is all I think happens, don't quote me 100%. Butchers do affect Item Frames, but only after a long period of time. I have had mine setup for awhile, later disappearing randomly due to Butcher. Placing them in your Spawn shop is possible, yet I don't advise it, as they could disappear at any given time. Locking an item frame? Hmm, as far as I know, Item frames are entities, therefor, they can't be locked. Yes, butcher is still active in the Main world whenever it may be needed. Overall, I suggest using something else other then Item frames, because they could be butchered at anytime, which results in loss of items. Signs are a great alternative in Spawn shop advertising.
I had ones that disappeared in 4-5 days, so it could be about any time, if you had really bad luck it could even be an hour xD
I've had itemframes in my shop for 3 weeks and they have not been butchered yet. Also, I used to have a lowerspawn shop that had itemframes, they were not butchered for 5 weeks. Take your chances with this, I wouldn't suggest you putting a valuable item in the itemframe such as an enchanted item of some kind.
Basically, this is how Khobbits explained it to me... Item frames aren't affected by /butcher, they're affected when andrewkm uses a similar command that removes entities. This similar command is rarely, if ever done anymore. Simply because he doesn't want to use the command and kill horses along with destroying the item frames. This command used to be automatic, thus destroying your item frames. Now, it's only done in serious practical situations. Butcher on the other hand is a different stories. This command kills hostile mobs, not entities.(item frames). This command is done whenever there's lag, and the Mining World needs clearing of mobs. So use item frames at your own risk, knowing they could be destroyed at any given time.