By andrewkm on May 23, 2019 at 3:42 AM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:


    TownControlPlus2 users now have access to our very resource intensive movement flags.
    (There is no guarantee these will always be available on EcoCityCraft, however, at this time, we are giving them a shot, as I have been informed by the authors of our region control plugins that performance has increased tremendously over the past 5+ years, as such, we have enabled these flags!)

    Entry Flag
    /rg flag <townname> entry <allow/deny/none>
    Example: /rg flag spawn entry deny
    • Whether non owners/members are allowed to enter the region

    Entry Deny Message Flag
    /rg flag <townname> entry-deny-message <deny message with or without color codes!>
    Example: /rg flag spawn entry-deny-message &1&lHalt! You can't go here!
    Above result: Screenshot.
    • The message that appears in chat upon entering the region

    Greeting Flag
    /rg flag <townname> greeting <greeting message with or without color codes!>
    Example: /rg flag spawn greeting &c&lHey there! Welcome to the &6&lSpawn&c&l!
    Above result: Screenshot.
    • The message that appears in chat upon entering the region

    Greeting Title Flag
    /rg flag <townname> greeting-title <greeting message with or without color codes!>
    You may use \n to make a subtitle below the title.
    Example: /rg flag spawn greeting-title &1&lHey there!\n&fWelcome to the &6&lSpawn&1&l!
    Above result: Screenshot.
    • The message that appears on screen upon entering the region

    Farewell Flag
    /rg flag <townname> farewell <farewell message with or without color codes!>
    Example: /rg flag spawn farewell &1&lGoodbye! Come back soon!
    • The message that appears in chat upon leaving the region

    Farewell Title Flag
    /rg flag <townname> farewell-title <farewell message with or without color codes!>
    Example: /rg flag spawn farewell-title &1&lGoodbye! Come back soon!
    • The message that appears on screen upon leaving the region

    Check out more information on TownControlPlus2 via:
    Purchase the feature via our shop at:


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, May 23, 2019.