This is how you get your balance to show on the game screen at all times using the Macromod/Keybind mod. Create a script called check_chat.txt: Code: $${ // trim chat STRIP(&chat,%CHAT%); // update balance IFMATCHES(%&chat%,^\[EcoDollars\] (.*)); MATCH(%&chat%,^\[EcoDollars\] \$(.*),{@&balance}); IFMATCHES(%@&balance%,^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)); MATCH(%@&balance%,^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),{@&balanceround,@&rest}); SET(@#balance,%@&balanceround%); ELSE; SET(@#balance,%@&balance%); ENDIF; SETLABEL(balance,$%@&balance%,balance); ENDIF; }$$ On the Events binding for onChat type in Code: $$<check_chat.txt> Create a second script called loop_bal.txt: Code: $${ DO; ECHO("/bal"); WAIT(90); }$$ On the Events binding for onJoinGame type in Code: $$<loop_bal.txt> To make it show up all the time, go to the Macro Buttons screen, click Edit GUI in the lower right, and select the ingame screen. Create a label named balance with a binding of balance, and place it wherever you want the balance to show up. Tada.
Yeah, his didn't really make it clear how to have it show up on the screen all the time, but yes it is mostly his. I didn't see the link.
Another thing to add, I have also updated mine to the point it does not need the loop anymore only to echo /bal on login as it now updates the display on all transactions immediately. mcdoodify
also the only reason that mine doesn't stay ingame all the time now is because of a recent macromod update that changed the way you accessed your ingame GUI due to the ability to now have custon GUIs.
I have already created the tutorial here on the forums, most users who had the old one now have upgraded to the new one. mcdoodify