I have purchased TriiickTown from robin2310 (thanks for a great transfer). As the new owner, this is my notification that you have 7 days to contact me to discuss your membership in the town. If there is no contact, you will be evicted from the town and lwcs shall be removed. I do not believe in mass evictions (hated it when done to me) so I am willing to work with you if you wish to stay but you must contact me. Yes, you are allowed to take any of your personal items, however, no grief of the town will be tolerated. List of members at time of purchase: crazyjohn1599 Ildigrub @kevindenouter I have removed your perms for griefing the town - let me know in game and I will allow you to retrieve all personal items from your plot. @norrie2 If you know you are not interested in staying, please let me know when you are cleared out. Thank you for your cooperation. AdmiralD