@Itsa_Spenca @Hlazer_55 @l_Torterra_l @firefly277 @sjdhfu312 @wertyleigh Your towns/buildings all are along the road I have built. The ambition behind it is to connect all the sea based towns in legacy... however, some of the road is just a strait line of cobblestone because I didn't have the time to completely finish it, however, those beside your islands are 4x4. If you would like to help finish it I would greatly appreciate it, or if you don't like it please voice your opinions here. I think it would help bring in builders and more real estate developers to our little backwater (literal ocean) neck of the woods. If you follow the road all the way to its end you'll come to DisTown, my town. Maybe if you want we can band together as an island nation. Again, let me know what you think. Best, -DisFool