What's the max height a tree can be before it can't be tree felled anymore? I'm having issues with spruce trees growing to tall so I can't tree fell them. Thanks~
I had this problem a long, long time ago. If I remember correctly, it is because your axe will break. Of course I might be wrong, but is your axe diamond and with unbreaking 3?
I tend to have this issue when trees are too close together; height doesn't matter that much if I recall correctly. Possibly consider spreading your spruce trees out a bit more. Catch me in-game and I'll be more than willing to show you my tree farm design.
I got the tree is too big msg when I had multiple trees too close together so the tree feller would be trying to take all the trees down at once. Try spreading them out or look at the tree farm at /warp jemjam thats where i farm and the design of that seems to work well. otherwise if im in game the same time as u just pm me and il take a look at ur farm and see if i can figure out whats going wrong.