Minecraft Username: The_Jugger Brief Description: Tree feller ability not working correctly. Attempted to fell large jungle tree (as I have done many times before). But on 4 attempts received the following message: "that tree is too large" Instructions: 1. Find a 4 base jungle tree 2. Use axe 3. Activate tree feller ability 4. Chop tree How many times did you recreate this bug?: I attempted 4 trees all with the same result Result: Chopped 1 log and received message "that tree is too large" Expected Result: Entire tree would be chopped, subject to the boundary conditions based on level of tree feller (width of tree 3x3, 4x4, 6x6 I believe. Evidence: none available but can repeat if necessary
This happens occasionally. There is a limit to the amount of felling treefeller can do, and there is a height that a jungle tree can reach that will prevent it from being felled. But, the issue is more likely that if there's another jungle tree nearby, the branches between them are connecting the trees together, and tree feller registers that as 1 tree. I have to take my axe to the branches between the trees while my feller is on cooldown to prevent this from happening to me.
The current limit for tree feller is 100 blocks. Any trees consisting over over that amount will not be able to be felled.