Minecraft Name: zwunder Suggestion: That trade chat is given a more noticeable color like &b pr &6, and that auction chat is made the trade chat grey so that users are less likely to chat normally in Auction chat. Reason: Because users use auction to chat normally and trade is really hard to see, especially if you are on a bad monitor. Any Other Information: N/A Link To This Plugin: N/A
well in auction chat you can do /ch leave auc and leave auction chat but then you miss out on good auctions
I believe part of the reason it is a faded grey is because you cannot leave the channel. This way people who want to nothave words all over there screen at bare minimum dont have color in there face
Here is a suggestion for you then, edit the original post and add a poll to it so we can get blind results
If andrew adds in a leave trade option he can change it to neon pink for all I care. Rabid nailed it for you, its like that because it cannot be avoided and so its meant to be the least glaring possible chat it can be.