Thread title: tp bug that teleports you to -10k y Minecraft Username: harryhaz1 Brief Description: when accepting a tp that telleport's you to someone it sends you to -100000y Instructions: 1.accept the tp 2.die ( or use /spawn to excape) 3.rage.... alot .. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 3 times, all resulted in my death, except when i use /spawn to excape before i die Result: death Expected Result: death Evidence: me dying: after, includes the tp that killed me: using /spawn after accepting tp ( when recreating): if possible would i be able to gain my item's back, i had a proj prot 4 chest and leggings, and ff 4 and proj 4 boots, and a one of a kind smite 5 looting 3 fire 2 knockback 2 diamond sword