Someone is selling a town to me for 30k and I wanted to know because im a resident am I allowed to own a town and what things do we have to do to transfer ownership from him to me
Yes, you are allowed to own a town. As for the town transfer, if he's Resident you can ask a game admin if they can help transfer the town (As residents cant make co mayors), if he's a Mayor or Higher all he has to do it '/Rg addowner <Town Name> Fishie01' Then he would do '/Rg removeowner <Town Name> <Persons Name>', and then you have a town!
As GameAdmins we don't transfer towns for residents when they can't... would defeat the purpose of not giving residents the ability in the first place.
ok but its still possible for me to own the town but does any contracts have to be made on the forums to make me the main owner
Will any contracts need to be done to allow me to be the main owner of the town and give me all the accessibility
A contract is recommended, the topic of it would be the sale of the technical ownership of the town. They would add you, then remove themselves. You can add members to the town, but unless you rank up you can't add co-mayors. But yes, a contract is a very good idea for that.