Want to setup a town? Don't want to do hard math? Then this tool is for you! It's a town post coordinate calculator. Coordinate Calculator v2 Use the Google Spreadsheets Template The Google Spreadsheets template requires you to have access to Google Drive, which can be setup through Google with a gmail account, or similar means. Download the Excel Template If you don't have access to Google Drive, you can download a excel spreadsheet copy. It is a .xlsx file. Download the OpenOffice Template Don't have something that can use .xlsx files? Here's a file that works with Open Office. Instructions: - Review the application guidelines for the town you need to setup. ---- (Mayor) (President) (3+ Additional Towns) - While in Rising or Legacy (check world with "/getpos"), find a place to start making a town. You can use "/wild land" or "/wild water" to go to places that are in the wild. - When you find a spot, do "/getpos". In the spreadsheet, go to Orange 1, enter the X and Z coordinates into the yellow boxes. - In Orange 2, you will need to enter the dimensions of the sides. For whatever dimension you want, subtract "1". So if you want 200x200, use 199x199. This is because when you are adding or subtracting coordinates, you are still counting the coordinate you are standing on, so it is "added back" into the block count. - Go to Orange 3. The coordinates you entered in Orange 1 will be copied into the green cells in the center of the coordinate map. The four zones are the four possible directions you can plot the other positions of your town posts. The rest of the X and Z coordinates are calculated for you. - Choose one of the zones, NorthWest, NorthEast, SouthWest, or SouthEast, and use the coordinates on those zones for your sign posts. - If you want, you can write down the Y coordinate that the post is at. Just do not edit the X and Z cells. - You can hit F3 to see some debug data. You will see the direction you are facing, and you will also see the integer coordinates in (parenthesis). This can make it easier to walk/fly/tpc to the coordinates.