IGN: sadistic_angel Are you a Resident: yes Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: yes Which world is this application taking place in (Legacy/Rising): legacy How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a ban): Funds provided by vengfulbacon, where he will be the complete new owner of the town. What will be the name of your new town: DaiGurren What is the size of your town (Between 100x100 - 200x200):200x200 Are your town posts set and what are the [x] [y] [z] co-ordinates of all posts: Post A: x:613 y:63 z:-6197 Post B:x:613 y:63 z:-7094 Post C: x:413 y:63 z:-7094 Post D:x:413 y:63 z:-6917 Have you checked our Zoning Laws and are we waiting for a neighbouring mayor response: vengfulbacon has three towns next to the new town. Additional information about your town: This town will be given over to vengfulbacon Certain Staff handle applications once every 1-7 days. (Meaning once a week) Asking constantly about your application does not speed up the process. We very well can see there are outstanding applications and handle them every few days. As well after payment has been taken your changes are not instant, please wait patiently as they are applied. All users must be aware they will be fined for an improper application. Take extra care when applying for various server features. Do you understand this: yes
sadistic_angel, you will need to approval of Ceej_Deej for placing this town near cowcity and AlphaTimer for placing this town next to flareville.
Physicistsmom ceej_deej is no longer of /seen so i do not know how me and sadistic can reach him. But flareville is currently under my ownership from this contract. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract.82226/ Admirald got ownership from this contract with alphatimer http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract-flareville-purchase-agreement.81029/#post-394884 What will happen if we can not get ceej_deej to respond to this application?
Town contracts and the original ownership only take full effect if a Town-Claim is involved in cooperation with the purchase of a town, which of course you'll need to by Tycoon+ and have a free claim available. The contract is merely an agreement between you users, but not a binding under server rules that deem Town applicable ownership. With that said, we still need AlphaTimer to give approval.