Minecraft Username: sick24 Affiliation: Owner Town Name: Sickenville Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? If Grief is located in the Wild - Is there a current Town application pending in the Mayors/President + Applications? It is in a town Co-ordinates of Grief: Coords of main grief: X:7394 Y:62 Z: -9958 Brief Description: Portal has been disconnected and grief upon, also at X:7478 Y:62 Z:-10033 my repair shop has been griefed. A townmembers farm at: X:7395 Y:50 Z:-10011 At: X:7488 Y:57 Z:-10035 The floor was all iron/coal/and redstone ore, not anymore There may be many other locations thoroughout town that i have not been notified of Evidence: I have left the town as it is griefed Rollback Request: Yes please, if you go to the portal u may find party_master1, he DID NOT grief, i believe it was kiet2011 as i caught him in the act. Please DO NOT ban party_master1, do ban kiet2011 and rollback his account