Minecraft Username: FuriuosGeorge Brief Description: When you click on a cube to create a plot it creates like a town 0 - 255 Instructions: pick 2 block on different y levels and use the plot create tools properly create a plot with a name How many times did you recreate this?: 3+ with @Cas_with_a_K and @frenchhornplayer Result: y coords are 0 and 255 for the plot Expected Result: y coords limited to the clicked corners as described in posts about this tool Evidence: Frenchhorn can confirm
Not 100 percent sure if this is a bug, but I wouldn't expect something like this. In my town I have a plot hight and depth limit, I see now that this has been broken by my members, but I thought that they couldn't bypass it with the plots I had created.
Wether this is intentional due to towns not having a height limit, it'd be nice to see this working as intended with restrictions so that you have the option of limiting plots to a certain height and, for example, offering to sell digging rights to the plot for a fee if that's how you want to setup your town
I agree, I expected that the plots would have y limit when created. Sadly you dont really need to create it like given in the image, you can just click on the same y cords and it makes the plot from bedrock to skylimit. The best solution we have rn is to place locked obby below plots to keep the residents from digging below their plot limits. Not sure if this is a bug or if this was coded that way but I'd be happy if we could have a limit on y Coords and that the flags would affect just that particular region and stop working at the y limit.
Yes, this was something we overlooked. It has just been fixed and will be live after next maintenance period