Denied Town Claim System Revamp

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by FamilyFurst, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2014
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    Right now, regardless of how long someone has been away from Ecc, when their town tries to get claimed by someone else, they get a email, (because of forum mention), and even if they have been away 19238437 years, all they have to do is pop in, and boom. Town claim gets rejected, then they disappear again. To me, after someone has be away from "X" period of time, their town should be claimable regardless if they return just to try to save their town. I think maybe 2 years or more, their town should be claimable regardless if they return.
    First off, this will help keep a few town claims smoother, and add less aggravation. Fewer denied posts, which means less posts to have to moderate overall. This "could" also help some players be a bit more active, or vigilant to keep checking back into Ecc. This would allow them to see all the changes that have been made, and might make them want to return back to a more active member of Ecc. This would also free up a lot of space, that keeps getting no attention, because "X" person just checks email, msgs Mod, and disappears. This would also help speed up some of the Town Claims because the wait time to see if someone will respond to the post to save their time would be invalid, requiring less overall workload.
    Other Information:
    This comes from a player who had a few towns, all claimed, and I am not even mad about it. I feel it was fair game because of my absence, even tho under medical reasons. I just feel like there is a lot of towns out there, that might be awesome, or in great position, but will never make it to full potential, just because someone doesn't want to lose something, but doesn't want to play either.
    Link to this plugin/Is this a custom addition?:
    Custom Thought Process
  2. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Absolutely not.

    If someone is away for 300 years, gets an email about their ancient town being claimed, and decides to pop in to save it, I absolutely welcome that. I offer a server where players can feel their creations are safe, even if they wish to stay away from ECC / or perhaps even forget about it for a while.

    This will never happen.
    I stopped reading the suggestion after getting to this part ^ Just saying.
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