In Game Name: WazupbutrupHave you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions.Which server is this application taking place in: MainDo you have the applicable rank for this town claim: yesHow many towns have you already claimed (If any): 0What is the name of the town you are currently claiming: LeleloPlease include the town application link: is the original/official town owner of this town: @Rythad Who are the current listed owners of this town in the /rg info <townname> command: @Rythad @zaniacgreenwich No /seen for either player. Additional information about your town claim: N/A, Except for LWC's too be filed after claim.Processing time is 3+ days: I Understand.
By the way, I know what the thing says, but the unix time states 26 weeks. <abbr class="uix_DateTime" data-time="1683945427" data-diff="15665138" data-datestring="May 12, 2023" data-timestring="9:37 PM">25w 6d ago</abbr>
hi @Wazupbutrcup as the user's are unable to be found on /seen we must use their forum activity as thier last seen. @zaniacgreenwich was last seen: 15h 57m ago and is an Owner of this region This claim has been denied You have also used screenshots from someone previously trying to claim this town. In future please can you provide accurate screenshots Thanks -Coow