Hello, I was recommended to use the /own command on all my tools that I have enchanted by someone repairing them. When I did that the server told me to do a screen shot of the tools and save it in the event they are lost. Can staff return tools? What if I die and loose the tool can it be returned? This would be helpful as exp is sometimes costly. I did some time looking on the Wiki page about the /own command and found just the operations of the command. I did not find a application in the forums for lost tool postings? Any information that could shed some light on this subject would be appreciated. Thank you
I'll be moving this to help and support as that seems to be what this is. Anyways, this link ( https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/new-own-command-claim-items-on-ecc.124098/ ) tells you about our /own command and all that good stuff. When you did the /own command on the tool, it told you about screenshotting the ID. I hope these answer your questions, and ask me for any more you have
Thank you for the information. The article addressed renting or taking the tool from an unlocked chest. It did not however discuss loosing a tool upon death. If I'm gathering items form the mining wold or nether or otherwise and loose the tool upon death by falling, drowning or the occasional lava can the star tool or other wise "owned" tool be returned?
Actually, in the thread it said this about dying: WARNING: When you die, with /own 'd items that you possess, your ownership of this item is wiped. The Item can then be re /own 'ed BY ANY PLAYER. If you die with another players /own 'd item, it will not be wiped. So if you die with your own tool /own'd, it can be taken and /own'd by another player.