Username: James4747 Description: Tombstones cannot generate if either the user's head or feet are occupying a block containing a locked sign. I tested only with [Disposal] signs but i would think this would occur with doors and trapdoors as well, or any protected entity that you share a space with upon death. Instructions: 1. Occupy a space that contains a locked entity. 2. Die there. Bug Recreated: 5 out of 5 times Evidence: (I'm the zombie wearing a tie) included sshots from 3 of the 5 documented tests 1: Sign at head level - generates "[Tombstone] Your tombstone can't spawn here. Inventory dropped." 2: Sign at feel level - generates "[Tombstone] There is a chest or sign interfering with your tombstone. Inventory dropped." 3: Cleared a block above my head to see if the chest would generate close to me, shifting on the vertical axis Conclusion: James4747 had a bad day. I don't know if it's possible to rewrite how tombstone reacts to this type of problem. If there is a reasonable way to solve it, I'm sure I'm not the only donator who's loot would be saved by their tombstones(+). ExtCreations is a lovely thing to have and we monster-trappers sure do like our [Disposal] signs . Thanks for reading! edit: "/vanish" is not the problem. I had asked in-game if it was, but I tested that as well and it's not.
To expand on what jamie says. Tombstone places a chest with a sign on top. So it needs 2 blocks of space where you stand. So if there's a sign or chest in any of the two blocks then it can't spawn a tombstone.