Syn started playing music in vent, and we had a Big Dance Party. Here are some of the best pictures. (There would have been much more, but I didn't want to make the post too huge.) The start of it all: Then, Chibiz Suggested we set up a Party Mat, so we got to work! After we set up the Party Mat, people start suggesting lots of songs! In the beginning, there were lots of minecraft Parodys. And then the hunt started! Morning came, and the winners of the hunt were announced! The Party Mat got a little old, so we moved to a New Place! Things got a bit crazy... After that, the Party Died down, so I couldn't get too many more pictures after that. Although, many more pictures were taken, and if I put all the pictures here. the post would be HUGE.
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I heard i was the starter =P Playing music in Vent and me and Raptor were head banging to Daft Punk =P Was a good laugh, all the mobs going us xD