Please, get over yourselves. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems as if people have nothing better to do than post complaints about someone saying something mildly offensive. So when someone says : Screw you F off You suck The F word Shit Damn Jerk Anything AT ALL in sg, Please get over yourself and don't post a complaint. Thanks!
why get over yourself when you can bait people and get them in trouble? people aren't actually getting offended lol
It's seems like it would be a whole lot easier to just learn not to let your fingers type directed aggressive insults and then hit enter than it is to just stop finding bad sportsmanship to be anti-social and unpleasant. It's literally just a game inside a game.
Please, get over yourself. Perhaps it is just me, but it seems as if you have nothing better to do than post threads about people posting compaints about someone saying something mildly offensive. So when someone files a: complaint Please get over yourself and don't post a thread. Thanks!