Here's a thought...... vote!! The spam pops up in my chat, I go and vote and whammo.... spam gone for 24 hrs leaving me to see, read, reply on chat. I can't see why it is so hard for people.
I agree. I still feel bad for those users who have it as bad as me though - I get the message three times all at once, and voting just makes it happen twice. I have no choice but to bear through it.
Ok, I can see your frustration D0rc and I am sure andrewkm will find a solution. My comment is aimed at those that continually whinge about the vote spam yet for the most it has such a simple answer.
i vote everyday on all 5 but i still get the reminders. i've been reporting the problem in the help section for the last 3 weeks. i don't know why donators don't have the option to disable the reminder channel like all the other chat channels.
Not a bad though Laff, especially if you have voted then be able to disable it. Resets every server restart like the new lottery option.
I actually did not know the meme posted above and found the following video while looking it up. IMO, best auto-tune/remix ever...