Before I get this started, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THESE WORDS I AM ABOUT TO TYPE SERIOUSLY! THIS IS A JOKE AND SHOULD NOT BE LISTENED TOO! I know a large percentage of EcoCityCraft wants to become a Moderator these days. Decisions are mostly based on the quality of which your application is made, believe it or not! I mean, I honestly would definitely choose the shortest application, I don't know about you. Anyways, onwards! I have brought forth the most awesomest and bestest Moderator Application tips and tricks thread! And I thank the Builder "iwillnevergetstaff" for giving me his examples of the perfect Moderator Application. So without further adue, let's get this show on a roll! (I prefer the buttermilk ones, just personal preference.) Step 1! -Always lie about your age! If you say you are 14 and you are actually 14, that will show insecurity and no self-trust. iwillnevergetstaff will show us the perfect example of that. IGN: iwillnevergetstaff Age: OVER 9000!!1!!1!1!1!!!!!1!!!! Do you see how he lied perfectly right there? Of course anyone applying for staff could be over 9000, but the number of "!"s he forgot clearly states he is not over 9000. Step 2! -Always try to impress the mods. For example, one of the questions on the Application is "Are you good with handling stress?" A perfect example for creating the perfect application is telling about how you handle stress in your real life. For example... Are you good with handling stress?: yes i am actully i hav 10 dogs 20 cats 36 bruthrs 27 sistrs and 1 mom and 1 dad i cal tehm mom and dad A perfect example. He obviously has a lot to keep up with in his family, so that shows he is very good with handling stress. Step 3! -Be sure you don't know any of the words the staff app uses! iwillnevergetstaff was particularly worried about this step because he says, "it iz hrd 4 me to fiend a werd i dont no". Anyways, knowing all the words used is obviously showing you WANT staff very badly. If you are reading this thread, you either want to become staff and are just reading this for fun, or you just are reading this to come up with ideas in your troll staff application. (Trolling is not good kids!) Anyways, lets get on with the example. The ECC staff team has a huge emphasis on teamwork and synergy. Why do you think that teamwork is essential for staff in an environment like EcoCityCraft?: wat iz a sinerjy i dont no wat tat meenz See? He obviously does NOT know the meaning of the word, "Synergy" which is obviously the word energy with an SY in the beginning of it. And FINALLY... Step 5! -Never tell the truth about how long you've played! Saying the truth about how long you have played ECC is obviously bragging and showing off how long you have been playing. That is not acceptable among the ECC staff. Unfortunately, I see a lot of this among ECC staff applications. That is why the ones that aren't accepted aren't accepted! An example: How long have you been playing ECC?: iev ben plaiing 4 ovr 10 yeers now This is obviously the best answer to the question I have seen in a while. Everyone give a big round of applause to me- I mean iwillnevergetstaff! Anyways, this answer is completely non-legit because ECC has been running for over 9 million years. If you don't believe me, ask the Owner, monkeyBUTT244. iwillnevergetstaff has definitely not been on for over 10 years because ECC only opened about 2 years ago! Thats how you know he is not telling the truth. I hope this thread has helped your future of becoming staff. Please have a nice day! Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated! PLEASE show this to your friends, it took me a long time to make it... Again, I can not say enough to NOT TAKE THIS THREAD SERIOUSLY. kthxbai.
If someone gave me this app. They would be my number 1 pick for mod. I also totally would not lock it and shut down your chance at staff for that round. Yep not me.
This is a amazing, beautiful app. It brings tears to my eyes. What a spectacle. Yep, totally not another troll app by a builder that would be hated on and locked! @iwillnevergetstaff
This impresses very much. How would you like a job for a journalist for the Wall Street Journal. I can hook you up nice window office.
the one and only thread ever made in the universe that's actually awesomely awesome cause it was made by me and a builder.