Symbols for Infinite Empire xpurexcorex I will not stand by any longer. My nation will rise against your country. My Nation, the Infinite Empire, will decimate America. There will be no questions after this war is done. Darth Revan will stand victorious. President of the InfiniteEmpire Revanrose6 Lords of the Infinite Empire WolvieD2GMark Generals UnknownRider Core_Diver Sergeant Major zardgyer pbrassat17 First Sergant 12345shane runakilli Corporal Nelsin drad99 Specialist d_face012 oOscarletOo - Archery Specialty Private First Class Harryhaz1 Private D4NTE_3 Shadowblox95 Head Noob (Nautical Observers Of enemy Barracks) Thecreator767 Noobs Keeper of the Flame fckinproblem Cheerleader Skylexia RyanJF1 Water Boy Tdogg120 emongolab Designated AI Netsui Armorer/Armor Repairer KMaxwell RedStone Trap Maker JacksonML Lead Battle Planner D4NTE_3 Provisioner of Free Lunches _TANSTAAFL MRGUACAMOLE - Only distributate Guacamole Distributer of Good Waffle Breakfasts MrWaffaJaffa Doctor drgreer7 Pet Tiger icondigi TigerWasHere Pet Rock rockboy2000 Pet autumn18chance9 Mascot rainbowmaster12 FanBoy alsvid Drummer Boy person13 BenchWarmer JokerBoss99 Top Secret kconahan If you wish to join the InifiteEmpire's Army please say so below along with any useful information.
Seeing as how there ain't no such thing as a free lunch, my duties are complete and I am now ready to live off my military pension.