The richest 100% own 100% of the wealth. In all seriousness though, these percentages will be much different than IRL because the earning power of ECC players are all relatively close. I estimate the richest 1% own 10% of the wealth.
Kuke would be your best bet at figuring this out... I know there's a bal top command every now and again, and if there was a way to know how much money is in the system all together than this could actually be calculated. My guess would be top 10% probably has about 40% of it all. Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
Considering you're in the middle of the top 100 users with about 500k, I'd estimate a good 15-20% of the wealth belongs to the top 5%
I haven't seen /baltop in a long while but if I remember correctly, /baltop has a lot of names on it (in the tens of thousands iirc). For this example we are going to use the number of people who have signed up on the forums which is 21,262. Assuming that ~175m is in the economy currently (not including trade signs) and guessing that the average user in the top 212 has 250k in their balance (numbers ranging from 4m+ --> 150k), that would make the top 1% of ECC's user base have 53m in wealth or ~30.3% of the money in the economy. tl;dr: ECC is almost as bad as Russia in terms of unbalanced economic wealth.
I'm not telling you how many people those are, nor am I going to tell you how much money is in the economy. That's confidential information.
I understand you're going for realism here, but it is just a game. Its not people's real money sitting in a bank account or something. Why can't you say how much money is floating around? Sent from my NX008HD8G using Tapatalk
The number of people with balances gets cleared ever so often. I remember one time there was ~50000 users with recorded balances but after the wipe (If you had less than x money after x time of inactivity) that number was more than halved.
We may only have 1000-2000 users who log on at least once weekly, but think of how many users have just logged on once, done something for 5 minutes, made $10 and then left forever.
About 2 months ago andrew stated there was around 230 mil in the eco (In ECD). I would guess about ~800k-1mil is put into the eco every day, but then you have money being taken out from town features and world features and lotto. So I do not believe the money is too great. I myself own about 3mil in cash, I would say there are only about ~10 users with that much or around that much, so .2% of the ECC player base owns around ~15% of the economy. However this number can never be found because there are most likely hundreads of millions (around 500) in "/sell" able items in the economy, and there is no way of tracking every amount in trade signs. But as of straight cash in balances .2% (Top 10 ish) own ~15% of the wealth on ECC.