-We have a warp! /warp corellia- Hey Everyone! Recently Jackson and I have been working extremely hard on our biggest project yet. The problem is, it's too big for any one person to do, which is why we're asking for your help. With already an estimated $5,000,000 spent on the project, and still lots planned for the future, it'll be impossible for us to finish without any help from you guys. With that being said, here are some pictures to see what we've gotten done so far. We've had some key donators over the course of this project, so far but we're looking to expand that base. That being said, if you'd like to contribute in any way, whether it be materials or money, please post below or message either myself or Jackson to give whatever you can to help us out. We'd love any extra help we can get from the community so this isn't just a small little group project. With that in mind, look down below in the future for the cool things you'd get for helping out. There will be many perks for those who lend us a hand, what that'll be exactly is to be determined, but we'll make sure we give all the donators something worth while in the palace. Current Donators: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Wolf: $1,057,010 Photonoid: $455,810.51 Dodos: $200,000 Thomas: $100,000 DCxCyBeR: Warp/$50,000 If you'd like to come check out the build so far just pm me or @Jackson_G14 and we'll show you around if we're not to busy.
I saw screenshots from Imagine the other day as she was having a look around. I was very impressed. I will have to come see it for myself sometime soon. Keep up the good work fellow builders! *hive fives*
I was actually talking to @oootopia about this build saying how amazing this is. Happy that you have all the pictures because I never set a home there lol. Will to donate once /sell is fixed =D. Also willing to donate LP in flexqueue
This place has helped me get to challenger and is a good place to bring the kids. Will send blessings soon.
I hope one day when my people rise up they will break their chains of bondage and take back this palace, which was once theirs.
It was an honour to be the first bronzie - silver carried boosted bonobo on ECC to step into the palace while it was being built.
Just want to give a super big thanks to @ThomasVerth for donating $100,000, @DCxCyBeR for $50,000, and @wolfwoodnyo for another $650,000 in materials! The thread had been open for about a week now and we've been able to get this much help. I'm glad all of you see what Riku and I see in this build