Well as some of you know I lost about half of my donation features (revoked do to fraud), the only thing keeping me on ECC is my staff app, and the people who want me to stay. I don't know I just feel this is horrible. I don't know if I am going to leave ECC but I am only staying for these 2 reasons. If both of them are gone I will have no reason to stay. I might possibly ask for a few donations if anyone want's to help me gain some of my features back. I used them every day.
I feel bad enough everyday when I log off in the evening with a balance of $0 due to lotto, after losing on average 20-50k per day. Sometimes more. I feel down, feel like there is nothing left, but then I think, I will give myself another chance, I will suddenly remember why I love ECC so much. I may then feel down again, due to lotto, but one thing I do is never give up. The reason you feel like quitting is very different to my reason, as my reason is self inflicted... a lotto addiction. However I think your problem can be solved the same way. Come on to ECC with a mindset that you have not lost anything, setyourself goals, when you achieve them, enjoy yourself, relax. Set yourself more and more goals, before you know it you will have enough money to buy every donation feature you have ever wanted.
Not that easy when you lose 120 usd, (600k) over night due to something that shouldn't of happened to you.
When I'm disappointed I just think "well it didn't really matter, anyway." If I were you, even it was really tragic and you didn't deserve it, just to stop being sad about it and talk to a mod as I'm sure they will help you.
:O, don't leave man, I remember watching your stream when I first joined! You're a good guy, you didn't deserve to lose all of that, but keep your head up! Surely there's good things ahead
I will donate because this is just dumb who does such a thing but i mean you have 870k i would suggest buying them back i mean.
Think to yourself: "I just spent some time and nonexistent play money to help catch an IRL criminal!" That should make you feel better.
I do have 870k, then again I am going to go down to like 200k (nothing else), after buying my features back. this just sucks
He does not need to keep the money I guess but why is it a problem if I get to keep my features? It is just pixels he is giving me...
And if you are going to say it is just pixels he is taking you are wrong, he is taking away hours and hours of my time it took me to achive all the eco dollars to pay for the donations