Minecraft Name: teofilovic Suggestion: Buff the Nether in some way or another Reason: This is going to be loooong. Let's face it, the nether is dead. More dead than SG, honestly. The nether used to be rather active. You could mine for quartz or farm blaze spawners, which both made decent money. However, you could easily get killed along with your blaze spawner broken. It was a dangerous, but rewarding world, just like the End is today (which I'll get to later). Then EXP took a dive in price, because there was so much EXP on the server and a lack of demand. In order to fix the market, EXP was disabled in the Nether. Now, most of the profits from blaze spawner farming came from not the blaze rods, but from the EXP. So that went goodbye. Also, quartz mining took a nerf, as quartz ore dropped EXP. The final nail in the coffin was the addition of End. The end is a similar world, with similar risk, but chorus farming makes FAR more money than the nether does right now. Also, the mining world makes more money than Nether mining, with less risk on top of that. You almost never see anyone entering nether nowadays. I bet you could reset the nether twice a year at this point, and it wouldn't make a difference. It's really just taking up a portal at spawn at this point. Jamie has stated in game that he admits SG is dead and he wants to "rip the whole thing out and start from scratch". Why not focus on the poor, neglected nether as well? If it weren't for quartz, this world would probably meet the same fate as the PvP and Aether worlds (remember those?). My suggestion to fixing the nether would be to bring EXP back. I don't think it'll be enough to restore it to its former glory, but it's definitely a first step. EXP fueled the Nether's economy, as I explained earlier. Also, since it was removed from the nether, EXP has gone from a side item to a tertiary currency on the server (the two others being EcoDollars and Netherstars). Another suggestion has been stated for me already in a rather popular thread. It is to rework the Nether entirely, scrapping PvP because the End already has that gimmick and focusing the Nether on PvE. Obviously the mobs would need to become more dangerous (they would need to be a threat to players with full prot4 armor, as anyone who has that armor knows how OP it is). However, we could also greatly increase the income from mob drops. Any Other Information: What I want to do with this thread is to not only present my (entirely serious) opinion on how it should be fixed, but ask the community on how it should be fixed. Let's see some discussion here. Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: Nope!
As someone who quartz farms a lot, this is so untrue.... just cause you dont see people there doesn't mean it's dead. I know a lot of quartz farmers who stay in /v. The nether is still active....
I agree with this. I'm in the nether almost every day farming quartz its just the nether is a big place so you dont necessarily run into others. Not only do people in /v not show up in nether tycoon+ names stay the same color while in the nether so you cant tell just from chat. Also, I normally tp to my home in the nether so you may not see many people at spawn.
ALso, I would be making 40k/hr in the nether if the nether had EXP enabled and inflating the EXP market. Its not a good idea.
Sigh... Moderators please lock. I really don't mean to troll. This was meant to be serious. I just didn't know that nether could make this much.