Well guys, basically i quitted around 4 months ago because i rage quitted, reason being some one " scam killed me" by asking me to team in pvp and killing me with my prot IV set and sharp V fire II knock II sword. now that im back, i hope to have an epic time with u guys, that set i bought last tim costed me 20k which was alot to me back then, now i hope i will earn more momey than ever and reach tycoon or a higher rank in eco city craft. eco city craft truly was a great towny server. Keep it up!!! mods and staff
While I regretted doing so, there are inactivity rules in my town, and in the storage facility. At the time you were removed you had been offline for over a month. Most Mayors, or similar, would have had you out after a week. It's not the type of thing I like to do at all, trust me.
i know its ok, i saw ur rule at ur town but now im back for gud basically i lost like tons of diamonds and few rare stuffs >.> lawl