-xX+Xx-In honor of JMichael and his efforts to help the victims of the Willclo Scam-xX+Xx- Time after time, players in ECC get scammed, and staff can't help in paying back the losses. Well, now, there is a way to get your lost money back=The JMichael Scam Foundation! This is a Foundation keen on repaying those who lose hefty amounts of money to scammers. As of right now, I am raising money to put this Foundation into action! If YOU wish to help, contact me via ingame mail or pm. My ign is the same as my forum name. This Foundation will begin repaying scam victims on June 19th, 2015 ,as funding will be necessary! Foundation Balance: 6k-thanks to legendarymoose!
Then why did you post this? I don't think this will work, especially when you've done this without asking jm... Good luck tho, I can see this was made with best intentions.
I've seen these things pop up time and time again and while you have great intentions, the issue is that the amount of money that would need to be repaid to scamming victims far far far outweighs the amount of money that can be raised efficiently. Good luck though! Also probably not a good idea to involve somebody in something without first notifying them js
I think what he is trying to do is use jmichael as an example and dedicate the foundation that he is creating in jmichael's name, if that makes any sense. As for the idea, I wish you good luck and I know you have good intentions!
Well, I appreciate the thought, but I can confirm that successfully doing this sort of thing is absolutely exhausting. So much so that I don't want to do it again for a very, very long time... and if you name it after me, then I'll never NOT be doing it. (gasps, hides under the nearest convenient rock)
And I appreciate the thought, but I would appreciate it even more if it wasn't named "JMichael." No offense meant.
ok, but i got to figure out how to change the title then... @3point14mp , please change this title to "The ECC Scam Foundation"-inside quotes, not with quotes. thx