Hey! It's 25973! I was wondering, could you add the Hunger Games arenas to this server? This server is great already, but if you add the Hunger Games, it will be even more popular. If any mods are reading this please contact the server owner and tell him! Another thing Is a mob arena, you go in, choose a class, then start Thanks for reading and have a great day!
This is not a hunger games server and setting up hunger games on a server not meant for hunger games is a mess. Mob arena is buggy and has been denied multiple times. (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=14582&p=76654)
There are already hunger games servers just play on that as well as ecc, nothing wrong with playing on different servers.
Ok, thank you, advertising other server is perminent ban. I think thats why ProducerNL got banned. It must have really sucked for him because he donated like 251$ to 500$ :'(