Very short description of suggestion. i was thinking we open the end once a month to the highest bidder on a onetime entance Suggestion:that a mod hold the auction on the fourms for the end access for one time (hold it once a month )(andrew gets the money a mod just hosts it so andy does not have more work Reason:the lack of exp in the economy this would help Why do you think this is a good addition for EcoCitycraft? Please be as detailed as possible. be able to go the end would be nice and maybe if you can kill the dragon you can maybe get the egg in the spawn saying you killed the dragon Link to this plugin: dont think theres a plug in
this is a great idea! i definitely think an increase of exp in the server would be a great thing. also it would give well established players (presidents, tycoons, and other wealthy players) something to achieve.
I think it wouldn't work, there was something about the way our aether is generated that screwed up the end (I wouldn't know, I just remember what I've heard)