Minecraft Name: Starleana Suggestion: Bring back the cactus god. so a place to sacrufice your self to the cactus god. Reason: A lot of ECC users would be extremely happy! Other Information: Non. Link to this plugin: Non.
He's an impostor, AN IMPOSTOR I TELL YOU. (I am the real cactus god) The cactus gods were a fun place, they've existed ever since I joined the server, and I wish to see them return.
Him and I had the idea to bring it back, so he is the real cactus god for having the idea. I rest my case.
will a mod or super mod, game admin, or andrewkm say yes or no. it is rude to just leave a suggestion hanging here.
IF I DON'T GET A REPLY IN 3 DAYS I AM GOING TO MAKE ANOTHER THREAD! and i i don't get a reply from that one, i will keep making ones till i get a reply.