I was wondering if we could remove the towns of people who have been banned, assuming no one lives in them any longer, or maybe give a weeks notice and remove the town anyways, to free up space for new towns. i know most people will be thing that this is ridiculous, there is plenty of room, but eventually, this place will fill up. just thinking about that while looking at livemap. also, for all i know, it does happen after a time period. just saying, just incase
We're fine for a long time. People just need to get out and explore. I'm highly against towns being removed because someone is banned. There's plenty of time a banned user will be gone for a month, come back and get unbanned, and play again without getting banned. Losing their town because of that is stupid. There's also the fact that some towns - like Wolvie's gallery towns - being removed would just be... horrid. People have spent tens of thousands on pixel art in there for themselves. Suddenly losing the protection on the things they paid a crap ton for and watching it all get griefed? Doesn't really sound..fair.
I would love for this to happen, except add in there inactive owners. There is a town next to mine with nothing in it but a giant tree. The owner has been offline for almost 3 months and there are no other members. I wish I could take over the land and put my second town there, rather than out in the ocean (only available spot next to my current town) and have to do a world edit to place a layer of dirt.