The Art of Swindling

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bluesteel2, Nov 9, 2012.

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  1. bluesteel2

    bluesteel2 Builder
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    Oct 22, 2012
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    I would firstly like to point out that the point of this thread is for the discussion of these types of activities, how they should be handled and is NOT meant to point fingers or place blame.

    The main reason behind this post is to bring to the general people’s attention questionable activities that I have noticed taking place in the past week on the server. In particular I would like to hear what the entire community thinks about these activities. These activities are considered by some to be a "scam" because a player uses deception to deprive someone of money. However, after careful examination of the rules all of these activities are not considered "scams" as they do not break any of the server rules set out by ECC.

    (Names have been purposefully left out to provide some objectivity to this discussion)

    Example 1: Iron bar(s)
    A Seller makes an auction selling 1000 iron bars at $7.00 ea. A Purchaser purchases the iron bars at $7.00 ea. The Purchaser pays the Seller $7,000 and the Seller gives the Purchaser iron bars. Everything is, as per ECC’s rules done correctly. Both parties (Seller and Purchaser) should be happy. But the Purchaser has made a grave error that some of you may already be aware of. The Purchaser has purchased iron bars when they thought they were purchasing iron ingots! Unfortunately the item naming of these two items is very similar. Ironbar is an iron ingot whereas an ironbars with an S on the end is a completely different item. As all of you should be aware, once a sale is finalized in auction chat – the sale must go through.

    Example 2: Money Signs
    A Seller makes a sign where they are selling 0.01 eco dollars for 0.02 eco dollars. What this means is, if you right click on the sign, you would spend 0.01 eco dollars and receive 0.02 eco dollars. The Seller places their trade sign in their stall in the spawn marketplace. The trade sign is positioned beside other trade signs. The other trade signs are selling one dirt block (or any other easily acquirable cheap block like sand or gravel) for $500 ea (or an amount that is exorbitantly higher than the server selling price of that item). The Seller then advertises (shouts or uses trade channel) about their great deal buying 0.01 for 0.02. A Purchaser then goes to their shop and realizing their ability to make a quick buck frantically click. However, they are prone to miss-clicks and end up purchasing one block (or more) of dirt for $500 ea.

    The Admin Team's Reaction
    The person who did the Example 1 (ironbar(s)) trade received a warning from a Staff Member. There was also an announcement made by a Staff Member that all iron bars are to be advertised as iron bar fences. There are a few things that are confusing to me about the decisions made:
    1. Aside from the announcement made in game, there has been no further posting of this rule change. How is the rest of the community supposed to know of this rule change?
    2. There is no such thing as an “Iron Bar Fence”. I think this could potentially create confusion if not at the least violating the “Mystery Auction” rule as there is no such item as an “Iron Bar Fence”. I think Iron Fence (which is an official name of the item) could be a better alternative to “Iron Bar Fence”.

    On to Example 2
    To my knowledge, no action was taken by the Admin Team in response to the Example 2 (Sign Money). I am not sure if they are/were unaware of the situation or just felt that it did not warrant any action be taken.

    I find this interesting as I spoke with people who where effected by both of these examples and all of the people I talked with, felt like they where "cheated". I am curious to know how the rest of the community feels in regards to both of these "scams" and how they where acted upon. Who do you think was at fault, the buyer for not using more caution when interacting with other players, or the sellers for using trickery?

    I personally think in both scenarios the buyer needs to be more careful and exercise constant vigilance when interacting with other players. In example 1, the buyer could look up what an "ironbars" item is before purchasing and in example 2, the buyer could exercise more control in examining what sign they are clicking on when purchasing something. I also think that the Admin Team should have acted (if they did, I apologize in advance), how I am unsure, as I personally think that the seller in example 2 attempts to beguile a player in purchasing something they do no want to purchase.

    I am interested - what do you (the rest of the community) think?

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  2. ahreckshun

    ahreckshun Builder
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    Sep 9, 2012
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    I think the staff did not handle the situation appropriately. why do I think this. no rules are broke by selling iron bars as iron bars, yet the staff threatening to ban me for not even breaking a rule seems very corrupt in my opinion. i think if your are a buyer you should always pay attention and beware of what you are buying. if a player says iron bars and gives you iron bars you got what you asked for. A player should always check the item data base before buying an item they are unsure about.
  3. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    Thank you for the post bluesteel2.

    Regarding Iron Bar(s): Users who are using this practice to intentionally mislead customers towards undesirable trades will be severely warned/banned. In regards to making the /itemdb of this item more clear, it can only be changed by Andrewkm or KHobbits. This can be done by posting a suggestion in our Suggestions Page.

    Regarding Money Signs: This is growing problem that we have in our server, but it is extremely difficult to enforce a rule that prohibits this act. The only solution to this is to be always sure what you are buying/selling before you click a sign.
  4. kyra981000

    kyra981000 Builder
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    Jul 12, 2012
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    i realize this like looking for prices on items before selling them also like i almost got scammed but i realized it somebody told me eff 5 ubreaking 3 axe was worth 4k then they said 3k then kept on asking me to sell it to them you should be careful of people like this who try to take advantage of you not knowing how much a item is actually worth
  5. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    We did not threaten to ban you, we politely asked you to stop selling Iron Bars, as it was misleading other users. The reason for this is described in our Rules.

    Thank you for warning the server to beware of you when buying iron.
    #5 DFat, Nov 9, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  6. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    Any item/property whose value cannot be determined by the /worth command is your responsibility. The reason for this is because without market value, Moderators cannot enforce a player to player "set" trading price. I agree that some users use this to take advantage of others, but in the long run, we cannot enforce this.

    #6 DFat, Nov 9, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  7. kyra981000

    kyra981000 Builder
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    Jul 12, 2012
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    Any item/property whose value cannot be determined by the /worth command is your responsibility. The reason for this is because without market value, Moderators cannot enforce a player to player "set" trading price. I agree that some users use this to take advantage of others, but in the long run, we cannot enforce this.

    i understand this completley my point was that when trading items mabey ask 2-3 mods about the price before giving up the item or give a price that seems resonible to you unlike the low offer of 3k on my pick that is worth around 20k
  8. D0rc

    D0rc Builder
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    Apr 26, 2011
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    In both of those examples, both parties were at fault:

    In example one, the party selling the Iron Bars were purposefully trying to scam someone. They attempted to make money off of another users ignorance. (For lack of a better word.) The buyer, too, should have been more careful and tried to get the seller to specify if he meant ingots or not. It is indeed partly his fault for not being careful, but that does not justify the sellers actions and the seller still commit a scam. A warning is good enough, he didn't deserve anything more than that. I have to agree though, that making an in game alert that they must be sold as "iron bar fence" and then not even saying anything on the forum/wiki/twitter/etc wasn't the best decision.

    In example two, the party trying to make people buy dirt for $500 each was also doing so to attempt to scam. Nobody in the right mind would think a reasonable price for dirt is $500. On top of that, the fact he attempted to get people to click the sign by tricking them or making them accidentally click it is even worse. While it is the buyers job to make sure he/she doesn't get scammed by a sign, and they should read it, that still does not justify the other users actions. However the staff cannot easily act upon this because it is not necessarily always as easy to identify these things as scams as it was this time, and can sometimes be next to impossible to find a fair punishment that works. The staff did not have to act upon this because of that. If the user continues, though, and enough complaints are made/etc, he will still face a punishment, so he cannot get away with it necessarily.
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  9. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    Yes, most people ask about the price of un-priced items before buying/selling. This is a great idea and most people do this, but the problem that bluesteel2 presents is items with misleading names, not misleading prices.
  10. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    I have to disagree with some aspects...
    This problem only involved one user; there was no need for further action after warning him and the people who were online purchasing the items.

    Most people will stop buying items from users who do this. It is highly unlikely that a user will repeatedly trade with another user who commits this practice. Public humiliation is usually enough in stopping players from doing this.

    Other than that, great post D0rc!
    #10 DFat, Nov 9, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  11. highdaftgirl

    highdaftgirl Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    So If I were to say "selling iron bars", sold iron bars to purchaser, I am therefor misleading, Trolling and scamming?? Is very confused. And should I lie and give them iron igots instead of iron bars (What I said I would sell)?
    #11 highdaftgirl, Nov 9, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  12. RagMan17

    RagMan17 LampHead
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    Jun 17, 2012
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    Iron Bars is the more common term for iron ingots. Yes unfortunately iron fencing is named iron bars and needs to changed. In the mean time we are asking people to just be "clear" on what they are selling.

    If your selling iron ingots, tell people your selling iron ingots.

    If your selling iron bars (the fence), then tell them your selling iron fence or iron bar fence as this is exactly what everyone calls them. It doesn't hurt anyone for you to take 1 second to type the extra word and be descriptive of what your selling. The only reason to not do this and to not be descriptive is because you know the loophole with the names and your trying to put one over on someone.
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  13. D0rc

    D0rc Builder
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    Apr 26, 2011
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    I used to think this, but that is an excuse that becomes more and more invalid each day...with the ever growing amount of users, it's just impossible for every one of them to be aware of one guys scams unless he takes it way to the extreme and scams people every other hour. The worst that could happen is what happened to Brycey, but if you think about it, if he just bears through it, he would still have made a ton of money. I may be wrong about the way that was handled, but I still believe that for users it's obvious it was taken to the extreme, I believe under certain circumstances, they will be punished.
  14. highdaftgirl

    highdaftgirl Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    Iron bars is the real name for iron bars and iron ingots are iron ingots.I think theres a pretty "clear" difference between iron bars and iron ingots.
  15. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    Good point.
    Type /itemdb iron bar
    Then type /itemdb iron bars

    Big difference?
  16. highdaftgirl

    highdaftgirl Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    says error item unkown and yes there is a big difference if u have both in inventory put mouse over them, one says iron BARS and other says iron INGOTS do i need to post a screenshot of the difference??? I dont think so because I can clearly see that they have different names.
  17. DFat

    DFat Builder
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    May 31, 2012
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    Sorry, it's this:
    /itemdb ironbar
    /itemdb ironbars

    They have different tags with MouseOver, but they have similar /itemdb names. The /itemdb command functions as the "official" name of an item because it is the item that you do /worth and /sell.
  18. highdaftgirl

    highdaftgirl Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    Appology not accepted. Your last sentance doesnt mke sense to me. My opinion stays the same theres a BIG difference between them yes even bigger than a bigmac. Iron Bars Iron Ingots pretty silly if people cant tell even with the command.
  19. highdaftgirl

    highdaftgirl Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    Bluesteel2 If you asked me "Would you like to buy Ironbars?" and then gave me iron bars I would happily accept them. To me that would be an honest deal.
  20. KMaxwell

    KMaxwell Crazy Cat Lady that Crochets
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    Jul 24, 2012
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    A scam is defined as: a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle.

    And, in regards to the staff request that 'iron bars' be specified as 'iron fence' or 'iron bars fence', I believe it was done to avoid complaints, further confusion on part of those buying said iron bars, and that the staff have done so falls under this:

    To also offer a further opinion, the use of trade signs to buy things of little value, like dirt, at prices they are not worth by any stretch of the imagination, is of benefit of those waiting to pay off a loan in smaller installments, buying a low worth item for 1-5k, or, as a 'donation' to the shop, town, etc.
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