Hello and welcome do my new idea, The Odd Job People! This is a place where people can get together to do some odd jobs. there will be application forms to join, and below i outline the idea. Basically i would want to set up a group of people that would do jobs together. For example, I have seen some 200x200 clearance jobs out there, and with this thread people could get together to get a job done. the money would be split between the people, and i will not force a commission, but it would be greatly appreciated . Also, you could also come here if you need a job doing. we will accept any kind of labor job (e.g. clearing areas, flattening, creating farms etc.). there will be a standard rate, but the money could change depending on the job and the person doing it. so, some applications! apply for a job: Name: General times online: Require tp?: Reason for joining: Ask for a odd job to be done: Name: Times when able to talk: Job type: Details: Amount of payment(can be a rate e.g per floor or a lump sum): Resources provided? If yes then detail: Staff list: Name: zazyman Equipment: Diamond pick, Diamond Shovel, sugar cane, wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, cocoa, Jungle logs Requires tping?: yes Name: alexerez98 Equipment: cocoa, melon, wheat Requires tping?: yes Name: Equipment: Requires tping?: Name: Equipment: Requires tping?: Jobs list: Available to be taken: Name: Rate: Resources: Job details: Name: Rate: Resources: Job details: Money: Name: Rate: Resources: Job details: Money: Taken but incomplete: Name: Money: Resources: Job details: People on job: Name: Money: Resources: Job details: Person on Job: Complete but unpaid Name: Rate: Job details: People on job: Amount due: So, thanks you for reading and I hope you enjoy your use of this service!
Name: alexerez98 General times online: weekends Require tp?: yes Reason for joining: I want to help people